There is so much information on the web that it can be overwhelming to find what you are looking for - especially when it comes to autism. This is a very selective listing of sites, focused mostly on treatment. By providing these links, we hope to provide guidance to what is most important while avoiding duplicating information that is readily available elsewhere.

GOVERNMENTAL REPORTS ON AUTISM TREATMENT The United States government has issued Mental Health: A Report by the Surgeon General, validating the research supporting ABA as the leading treatment for autism. The report concludes that "thirty years of research demonstrated the efficacy of applied behavioral methods in reducing inappropriate behavior and in increasing communication, learning, and appropriate social behavior."
The New York State Department of Health has issued Clinical Practice Guidelines, Report of the Recommendations on Autism / PDD. The report recommends "a minimum (emphasis in original) of approximately twenty hours per week of individualized behavioral intervention using ABA techniques."
Guidelines for Identification and Education of Children and Youth With Autism. Connecticut State Department of Education, 2005
The State Education Resource Center (SERC) Funded by the state of CT and located in Middletown, SERC has an excellent lending library which has an extensive collection of educational resources.
The Connecticut Parent Advocacy Center (CPAC). CPAC is a statewide non-profit organization funded by state and federal monies. It offers information and support to families of children with any disability or chronic illness, age birth through 21.
CT Council on Developmental Disabilities (CTCDD), is appointed by
the Governor. Its members include people with disabilities, family
members, and professionals. The Council works to promote the full
inclusion of people with disabilities in community life. The Council
publishes some highly regarded publications, such as
The IEP Guide.
The Behavior Analysis
Certification Board ®, Inc. (BACB®) is a nonprofit corporation
established to meet professional credentialing needs identified by
behavior analysts, governments, and consumers of behavior analysis
services. At their web site you can learn about the academic and
training requirements for certification, and find a list of certified
The Autism Special Interest Group (SIG) of the Association for Behavior Analysis International has developed excellent PARENT GUIDELINES for Identifying, Selecting, and Evaluating Behavior Analysts. This information will help parents to assess if the professionals working with their child, either at school or in a home program, are properly qualified.
The Association for Science in Autism Treatment,
Their mission is to share accurate, scientifically sound information
about autism and treatments for autism. Their site contains extensive
information resources, including information about upcoming conferences.
Sign up for their excellent free newsletter.
The Cambridge Center
for Behavioral Studies is a nonprofit organization that promotes
practical, evidence-based applications of behavioral science in the
home, school, and the workplace.
The Connecticut Association for Behavior Analysis (CTABA) is a statewide organization whose purpose is to develop and advance the field of behavior analysis within the state of Connecticut through research, education, and dissemination of information. You can learn more about the Association and its educational and advocacy activities, at
Autism Speaks
(AS) is the nation’s leading non-profit autism research and advocacy
organization. Founded in 2005, Autism Speaks is dedicated to funding
research into the causes of autism and the most effective treatments. It
also works to increase awareness of autism spectrum disorders and
advocates for the needs of individuals with autism and their families.
Their excellent website provides highly worthwhile timely information
regarding autism and the latest developments in research and treatment.
The Yale Child Study Center is a department of Yale University’s School of Medicine. The Center’s Autism Program at Yale engages in both clinical and research activities and sometimes sponsors conferences and other educational opportunities for both professionals and parents. Yale’s free undergraduate Autism Seminar course is available online at their website.
Autism Spectrum News (ASN) is a quarterly
publication that distinguishes itself from many autism resources
available in print and on the internet by focusing strictly on
evidence-based treatments and practices that have been studied in
clinical trials and research studies by members of the scientific
community. ASN’s excellent and comprehensive A Parent’s Guide to Autism
and Evidence-Based Practice is available as a free download at their
website. To subscribe to ASN, or view archived issues online, go to:
Disclaimer: None of this information is intended as "legal advice" or to endorse any individual or company. is maintained by a New York attorney who has been involved in autism litigation for two decades. The site contains information about advocacy and due process, as well as descriptions of leading court cases and pertinent statutes. is maintained by attorney Pete Wright. His company publishes a broad range of practical and affordable books and other materials pertaining to advocacy for children with disabilities.
The Council of Parent Attorneys and Advocates (COPAA) is an independent non-profit organization of attorneys, advocates, and parents. It was established to improve the quality and quantity of legal assistance for parents of children with disabilities.
Rhythms of
Grace Ecumenical Worship Service. Sponsored by the Episcopal Church
and with locations in New Hartford, East Windsor and Easton, CT, this
ecumenical worship service for children with special needs and their
families welcomes all faith traditions.
Sacramento FEAT. This
site is hosted by the country's oldest FEAT group and has links to all
FEAT and FEAT-related web-sites in the U.S.
ABA España http://www.aba-elearning.comEl análisis aplicado del comportamiento es una ciencia dedicada al estudio experimental de la conducta humana y comprometida con la mejora de la calidad de vida de personas con diversas formas de discapacidad. Entre las áreas de mayor aplicación profesional destaca la intervención en personas con autismo. ABA España es una asociación afiliada a la Association for Behavior Analysis International y ofrece oportunidades de formación en intervención ABA, tanto presenciales como a distancia, aprobadas por la Behavior Analysis Certification Board.
Un Trabajo En Progreso: Guia de Tratamiento ABA en Español: (Por John McEachin, Back to Top
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