Make a Donation to CT FEAT!
Donations to CT FEAT are tax deductible.
Clicking on the Donate
button above will take you to our PayPal site where you can make a
secure donation with a credit card or from your own Paypal account.
A Paypal account is not required.
In the “information section" which appears at the top of the Paypal
page, please include your postal address, so we can send you a receipt
with our TAX ID. If you have any special purpose for the donation (e.g.
in honor or memory of someone), please also state that in the
information section.
If you prefer, you can send a check to: CT FEAT, P.O. Box 7063, Prospect, CT 06712-0063
Why donate to CT FEAT?
FEAT is proud to be celebrating its 20th anniversary this year!
Throughout our existence, we have pursued three primary goals:
1) Supporting Parents -
While we work closely with many professionals, our
organization is run by family
members, for family members. CT FEAT
provides resources and networking opportunities which
empower parents to become more effective advocates for their
These free resources include our web site, Online
Discussion Group, Facebook Page, and scholarship funding to
help parents acquire high quality reliable information. Many
hundreds of parents participate in our listserv and
thousands visit our web site.
Raising Awareness - CT FEAT supports outreach efforts
to educate the public. We've donated thousands of dollars' worth
of autism-related books to public libraries across the state.
We've also partnered with the national Learn the Signs, Act
Early campaign sponsored by the federal Center for Disease
Control, and worked with pediatricians and other professionals
to promote timely diagnosis and effective treatment. |
Expanding Treatment Resources -
CT FEAT supports opportunities for both parents and
professionals to acquire the most current knowledge about
effective autism treatment.
By funding the Craemer Shea Memorial Professional
Scholarship we have demonstrated a singular commitment to
increasing the number of well-trained autism professionals. Now
in its 10th year, the scholarship pays for tuition in academic
coursework pertaining to applied behavior analysis (ABA). As of
January 2018, total expenditures have exceeded $80,000,
distributed to 41 scholarship recipients. |
We don't charge for any of our services. And we never
accept paid advertisements of any kind in connection with our
activities. Instead, we rely solely on financial support from
private contributions by people like you.
Help us help the families and children that we all care so much
about. Thank you very much for your interest and support!
On November 9th, 2006, The
Psychology Club at the University of Connecticut Stamford branch
presented Connecticut Families for Effective Autism Treatment
(CT FEAT) with a check for $3,621.50. The Psychology Club raised
the money with a Walk for Autism which took place on September
30, 2006 at Cove Island Park in Stamford, CT.
Pictured here are: Dr. Michael Ego
(Associate Vice Provost), Dr. Jerry Sehulster(Psychology
Department), Kasia Bogusiewicz (Co-President, Psychology Club),
Jason Kersten (Co-President, Psychology Club),
Dr. James Perrone (Psychology Department), and Denise
Buckenheimer (CTFEAT BoardMember). |